Sunday, January 27, 2008

Picnic at Loch Lomond, Scotland

Loch Lomond is the heart of Scotland's first National Park, both geographical and culturally. It is the largest body of fresh water in Britain.
On cloudy sunday, we headed to Loch Lomond with a few other Komuniti Melayu Dundee(KMD) members in 4 cars. I personally do not know what to expect. When the KMD invited to joint the trip, I just thought it'll good for the kids...a getaway from routine daily life here in Dundee.

Perjalanan mengambil masa 2 jam...boring for the kids..melalui perkampungan tradisional Scottish. Actually it was a peaceful trip, road are narrow, sheeps everywhere, farms, barns....

Sampai di Loch Lomond Shores....cuaca mendung and ramai jugak visitors. It's look like weather is not a problem for the scottish....Anyway masa sampai dah pukul 12 tgh..lepas solat kat Gateway Centre, everybody headed to picnic area...makan time.

Bob kusyuk tengok scottish traditional music band playing. Kak Shi asyik ambil gambar...

Fizi and Aidil playing at Gateway Centre

Makan time....

Menu: nasi putih by Fa, ayam masak merah by Khamsah, terung bakar sambal udang by Khamsah, sambal tumis ikan bilis by Kak Shi, salad (Fa), Puding...tak ingat dah nama...(Fa), popia goreng (Khamsah), sandwich (Kak Maziah), fruits-pisang, grapes, prunes

The best food since we got here.....

Kids obviously had a good time.....Bapak gonna like this place


amey ahmad said...

Wowh... I miss that one! Not fair.. Leaving me home alone.. Hehe.. You guys had a good time there, ya.. That's great..

Khamsah said...

tu la...sapa suruh balik mesia...ada lagi Part II