Sunday, January 13, 2008

From Scotland With Love

At last I be able to access this blog. There were tremendous experiences happened from the last time I updated this blog. Finally we're landing in Scotland and settle down in Dundee. Not quite settle yet especially the weather. From average 28-30 degree celcius in Malaysia, to average 1 degree, that huge. Cannot go out without wrapping your self out.

Gambar kat airport di Kuala Terengganu. Wani, Mak Tik, Mak Jarah, Mak De, Pak, Pak Sudin. Zira tukang ambik gambar.

Fizi dalam flight ke london. Excited first time naik kapal terbang

5.30 am, touch down in terminal 3 Heathtrow, London.

Bapak and Bob kat terminal 1, heathrow..waiting the flight to Edinburgh, Scotland

Dah sampai Edinburgh, kids exhausted and starting feeling the chilling weather

1 comment:

amey ahmad said...

Eeee... Gemuk nyer bapak dia.. He he..